Greg Vezina is the President of None of the Above Party joins ON Point to let you know, you have other choices!
Recent Ipsos poll: 74% of Ontarians wish for different leader in provincial election
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We are losing our most basic, fundamental, democratic rights in our polling-based, follow-the-leader, horse-race, media-manipulated politics.
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The Ontario None of the Above Party (NOTA) nominates Above Znoneofthe as candidate for the June 1, 2017, Sault Ste. Marie provincial by-election, registers all 122 riding associations (RAs), and announces candidate nominations closing for the 2018 Ontario election.
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He was a provincial candidate for the Mike Harris Progressive Conservatives, and ran under the Green Party banner.
He thought Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne was serious in her promise to “do politics differently.”
But Greg Vezina found out you can’t change the political system by working for the status quo.
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Candidates from Pauper Party of Ontario and None of the Above Party not invited to debate.
Candidates from two fringe parties tried to join a debate for the provincial Ottawa-Vanier byelection, despite a lack of invitation, until police were called to escort them out on Thursday night.
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